The participation in the Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot is one of the most valuable courses which is offered to students, but it is also one of the most costly.
Every team thus depends on the support of sponsors. Ideally, the self-contribution of the students would be reduced to an amount which is affordable to any student. The individual potential, not the individual financial situation (or the financial situation of the parents) should decide the students' possibility of joining the Moot.

In return, our Sponsors get contact to a handpicked selection of students which belong to the best of their years, most of them will complete their studies with far above-average results. The supporting law firms can meet the students at a rehearsal hearing. Furthermore, we name the Sponsors in the team presentations. Through this, we express our appreciation for our sponsors' support, which is also a "good deed" to the students.
With regard to German tax law, there are two ways to handle the sponsoring: First, the financial support can be deducted as a donation ("Spende" bzw. "steuerbegünstigte Zuwendung"). In this case, a reference to the sponsor is not allowed. Therefore, the second possibility will be more attractive: The Sponsor and the Humboldt Moot Association enter into a "Sponsoring Agreement" which will allow us to name the Sponsor. The financial support can then be deducted as an operational expenditure.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the board of the Humboldt Moot Association. Also further information can be found in our sponsoring brochure (German).