About the Premoot
The Berlin Premoot is held annually at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and surrounding law-firms. Every year, four weeks before Easter teams from numerous countries meet in Berlin to prepare for the oral arguments of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Hong Kong and Vienna.

As in the real competitions, two teams face one another in each practice argument held at the Premoot. The students act as the parties' counsels, delivering their pleading to the three-member tribunal and answering the arbitrators' questions.
The entire competition is held in the English language. The material issues are governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). As procedural rules the arbitration rules of an annually changing international arbitration institution are applicable.
Next to the arguments the Premoot offers a social program, including collective meals, sightseeing and an evening event. This gives the participating students, coaches and arbitrators the opportunity to get in touch with their colleagues from many different countries.
As the number of participating teams has constantly increased, so has the need for more committed and qualified Arbitrators. If you are therefore willing to support us as arbitrator, please contact us via email.