Team 22nd/12th Moot
The Team of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for the 22nd / 12th (East) Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2014/2015.

Ansgar Dietrichs
5th semester; BSc Mathematics and BA Economics at Freie Universität Berlin. Participated in the program "Studying at 16" at Technische Universität Berlin. Head boy. Participated successfully in numerous mathematics competitions and in the project "business@school" organised by The Boston Consulting Group. Fellowship holder of the German National Academic Foundation. Participation in seminars about "'Outlaws' in law and literature" and "Limits of criminal law". Fluent in English, Latinum, Graecum. Interested in politics and computer science, attended an online computer science course provided by Stanford University and passed "with distinction".

Caterina Foti
5th semester; law studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with a focus on corporate and company law. Former student employee at the art collection of the German Bundestag. Currently employed as a secretary at a corporate law firm based in Berlin. Volunteered with an NGO in Cambodia. Spent one year of high school in Adelaide, Australia. Further experience abroad in South America, India and Italy. Fluent in English and Italian. Passionate about art, travelling and painting.

Alix Lamar
3rd semester; law studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Participance in the Model European Union Conference 2014 as well as in a seminar on Mediation. Internship with Ashurst LLP in Frankfurt am Main. Voluntary social work in Peru. Native in German and French, fluent in English, advanced knowledge of Spanish, qualification in Latin. Interested in Art. Enjoys ballet dancing and backpacking around the globe.

Elisa Méndez Bräutigam
7th Semester; law studies at University of La Laguna, Tenerife and at Complutense University of Madrid. Erasmus-studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Internships with the district court of Frankfurt and with Juntai Law Firm in Shanghai. Native in German and Spanish, fluent in English, advanced knowledge of French. Three times award winner in the piano competitions of “Jugend musiziert”. Dances Flamenco. Interested in traveling and cooking.

Jeanna Möllers
7th semester; law studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with a focus on intellectual property law. Foreign legal studies in English Contract and Criminal Law. Spent two semesters at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management studying business economics. Participant at the Global Young Leaders Conference in Washington and New York City. Internship with the National Human Rights Committee in Morocco. Student assistant at K&L Gates LLP. Fluent in Croatian and English, advanced knowledge of French, basic knowledge of Spanish and Russian. Passion for skiing and traveling.

Nicolas Schlüter
7th semester; law studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with a focus on Corporate Law. Two semesters of foreign legal studies in English Law. Attended seminars on “Mergers & Acquisitions”, “Compliance”, “Corporate Law”, “Capital Market Regulation”. Seminar papers within the field of German private limited company law. Internship with an international law firm and a court in Berlin. Fluent in English, basic knowledge of French and Spanish. Enthusiastic about musicals, sings (Contemporary).

Paul Zschunke
5th semester; studies of English and German Law at King's College London (KCL) and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (double degree program LL.B./Staatsexamen). Internship at a German and French law office in Paris. Member of the Anglo-German Law Society. German and French secondary education at the Lycée International in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Shooting at Disney in London for the TV-Show Goalmouth. Was awarded “Half-Colours” by KCL Student Union for services to KCL Football Club. Fluent in German, English and French, good knowledge of Spanish. Plays Football, Golf and enjoys traveling.

Nanxi Ding (Coach)
Law studies at Humboldt-Unviersität zu Berlin with a focus on intellectual property law. Coordinated and organised an educational project initiated by Volkswagen Group for the promotion of the dual study system in China. Internships with Audi AG in Ingolstadt and Clifford Chance in Frankfurt. Participated in the 21st Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot as well as in various UN- and EU-simulations. Two times award winner in the piano competitions of “Jugend musiziert”. Native in German and Chinese, fluent in English and French, advanced knowledge of Japanese.

Philipp Alexander Hülse (Coach)
Raised in Saudi Arabia and Canada. Law student at European Law School of Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, including the German Staatsexamen and two Masters Degrees in Paris and London. Fellowship holder of the German National Academic Foundation. Work experience with Velan in Montréal, with Siemens in Dubai and with the law firm Hengeler Mueller in Düsseldorf. Awardee of a business and finance competition organised by the Boston Consulting Group. Participation in the 21st Willem C. Vis Moot for the team of Humboldt University, as well as in various simulations of the United Nations and the European Union in Germany and in Turkey. Native in German and English, fluent in French, basic knowledge of Chinese, qualification in Latin.

Adrian Lingens (Coach)
PhD student and research assistant at the chair of Professor Dr. Christoph G. Paulus. Studies of law at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with a focus on „European and International Civil and Commercial Law / Intellectual Property Rights“. Participated in the 19th/9th Willem C. Vis Moot Court. Internships with the legal department at SAP AG and the German Federal Parliament. Speaks fluent French and English. Good knowledge of Italian. Is interested in classical music and plays the viola.

Natalie Reglinski (Coach)
Law studies at Humboldt-University Berlin. Specialized at the University of Geneva obtaining the ‘Certificat de Droit Transnational’. Semester abroad at the University of Sydney with a focus on International Public Law. Participant of the German-Polish Law School. Studied American Business Law and French Contracts. Participated in the 20th Willem C. Vis Moot for the University of Geneva, NMUN 2011 for Free University Berlin and several EU simulations. Interned with international business law firms in Germany and Poland, a political foundation, the ARD and the German Embassy in Warsaw. Native in German and Polish, fluent in English, advanced knowledge of French and Spanish and basic knowledge of Italian and Russian. Interested in politics, history, theatre and traveling.

John Faulk (Rhetorik-Trainer)
John Faulk is a communications consultant and speaker trainer with a focus on the legal sector. His agency, Fireside Coaching, offers strategic support to international law firms, helping them develop, define and deliver their key messages. His bestselling workshop "Stand and Deliver" is used by many top companies to train their employees in the fundamentals of public speaking.

Karl-Michael Schmidt (Akademische Leitung)
Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law) and managing director of the Institute for the Legal Profession at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In charge of the Humboldt-Universität’s Willem C. Vis Moot program since the inaugural participation in the 6th Willem C. Vis Moot (1998/1999).

Marleen Krüger (HMA Finanzvorstand)
Studied law at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and completed her Referendariat at the Kammergericht Berlin with stages at renowned law firms in Frankfurt and London. Participated in the 17th/7th Willem C. Vis Moot for the team of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and coached the team for the 19th/9th Vis Moot. Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin) in the arbitration department of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr in London.

Fabian Römer (HMA Geschäftsvorstand)
Studied law at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and completed his Referendariat at the Kammergericht Berlin with a stage at the ICC in Paris. Participated in the 16th/6th Willem C. Vis Moot and coached several teams of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. LL.M. studies at the University of Sydney.

Tobias A. Strecker (HMA Vorstandsvorsitzender)
Studied in Tübingen and at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Completed his Referendariat at the Kammergericht Berlin with stages in the arbitration department of a renowned law firm in Stuttgart and at the ICDR in New York. Participated in the 16th/6th Willem C. Vis Moot and coached several teams of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Lecturer at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for serveral years.